Family and People All Well…


This book is based on a rare account of Belize’s early logging days from the journal of Colonel James Lawrie, one of the most significant mahogany and logwood cutters in Belize during the last quarter of the 19th century.

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This book is based on a rare account of Belize’s early logging days from the journal of Colonel James Lawrie, one of the most significant mahogany and logwood cutters in Belize during the last quarter of the 19th century.

This book is based on a rare account of Belize’s early logging days from the journal of Colonel James Lawrie, one of the most significant mahogany and logwood cutters in Belize during the last quarter of the 19th century.

Family and People all Well…
Account of the Occurrences in the Business of Mahogany and Logwood Cutting in the Bay of Honduras in 1789
Author: Roy Murray

Paperback: 118 pages
Second Edition: November 2012 (First Edition: December 2012)
Size: 6.5″ x 9″
ISBN: 976-8161-15-9

Colonel James Lawrie was one of the major mahogany and logwood cutters in Belize during the last quarter of the 19th century. This book is based on the Colonel’s journal which, as far as we know, is one of the only day to day accounts of the activities of slaves involved in the extraction of mahogany and logwood in Belize that has survived. As such, it provides a rare insight into the nature of slavery in a colony that remained on the periphery of the sugar plantation economies of the British West Indies until well after emancipation.

The journal itself forms part of a private collection of Lawrie Papers held at the Scottish Record Office in Edinburgh. Also in this book are the transcripts of two invaluable documents: an inventory of Colonel Lawrie’s Estate and his Will.