
Author biography.

Author Zoila Ellis

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Sir Colville Young

Sir Colville Young Sir Colville Young was born in Belize City in November 1932 into a musically prominent family. In 1961 he was awarded an honours degree in English at…

Kalilah Enriquez Reynolds

Kalilah Enrique Reynolds is a poet, writer and journalist. She currently resides in Kingston, Jamaica where she is a special reporter at Nation-wide News Network, and is cohost of a…

Zoila Ellis

Zoila Ellis is a renowned Belizean author. Several of books and stories are published by Cubola Productions.

David Ruiz

David Nicola Ruiz (1966) began documenting the oral history and literature of western Belize in the early 1990’s. He was raised in Benque Viejo del Carmen, a quaint community cradled…
