The Garifuna: A nation across borders


This overview of the state of Garifuna Studies at the beginning of the 21st century is an impressive collection of essays written by Garifuna and non-Garifuna scholars from throughout the region, with a foreword contributed by renowned social anthropologist, Nigel Bolland.

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The Garifuna: A Nation Across Borders
Essays in Social Anthropology

Authors: Alfonso Arrivillaga, E. Roy Cayetano, Marion Cayetano, Byron Foster, Francesca Gargallo, Oliver Greene Jr., Peter Hulme, Gabriel Izard, Mark Moberg, and Joseph O. Palacio
Editor: Joseph O. Palacio

Paperback: 207 pages
Fourth Edition: June 2013 (First Edition: November 2005)
Size: 6.5″ x 9″
ISBN: 978-976-816-113-0

This impressive collection of essays by renowned anthropologists from throughout the region and with an introduction by social historian, Nigel Bolland. The book is divided into two parts, covering both historic and contemporary issues including oral history, the origins of the Garinagu, accounts by 16th century French colonizers, spirituality, gender relations, cultural identity, aesthetics, musical traditions and the background leading to UNESCO’s 2001 Proclamation of Garifuna language, dance and music as a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity. The range of topics and authors presented in this volume complements and reaffirms the transboundary nature of the Garifuna people.

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