

Set in Belize City in the 80s and 90s, Benjy is the story of a young man unexpectedly stricken by a mental disorder. We see him struggle to survive in a world where too many people do not understand that even in the midst of his often chaotic and violent circumstances, the emotions of love, fairness, and honesty, remain intact within him.


Kathy Esquivel

Paperback: 320 pages
1st Edition: 2019
ISBN: 978-976-8161-60-4

Set in Belize City in the 80s and 90s, Benjy is the story of a young man unexpectedly stricken by a mental disorder. We see him struggle to survive in a world where too many people do not understand that even in the midst of his often chaotic and violent circumstances, the emotions of love, fairness, and honesty, remain intact within him.

Benjy is also the story of his caring family members who make an effort to understand him and ensure his well-being and survival while embroiled in their own life drama.

This is an account of love, generosity and kindness, skilfully intertwined with unfaithfulness, injustice, and the crime and violence in our midst. Through Benjy’s lens we become more conscious of the positive and negative energies that coexist in our society, allowing us to empathise with characters we often reject, and reflect upon what is often really hidden from view.

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